Lorelie Leon
Master’s student
I agree that it’s a good idea. Even if I’m already invested in it, I think it’s a good idea to move, because it’s a climate change issue.
Jake Baerg
First year
I think it’s a good idea. I mean, it’s UVic—the learning’s supposed to be progressive and invested more in renewable, sustainable resources, and kind of support that push for sustainable energy. Yeah, that’s definitely a good idea. Fossil fuels—I mean sure, short term, it’s helping the Canadian economy—but it’s getting old. We can’t hang on to it forever.
Felipe Galliena
Third year
I think that it’s not good to change it. Because I believe that Canada has a lot of good technology, fossil fuels, and you should invest in it. I do agree that it can be a problem if UVic tries to reverse it, because they tell that they are environmentally friendly, and when you’re arriving, you receive a lot of green informational everything. And if they are still doing this, it can be bad for the reputation of the college; but I don’t agree that they should change.
Wiktoria Syska
Third year
Financial Accounting
I’m for it. I think it’s a very good idea. I’m all ‘go green’ and ‘be responsible for the environment.
Alana Walter
First year
I think I agree . . . I’m sure I signed a petition for this . . . I actually have heard of it. It’s not just about the money. It’s the health of our society and our world.
Karen Bhela
First year
Yeah, I agree. I think they should invest maybe somewhere else. Healthcare or something.