Thursday, April 4
African Percussion Concert
You know how some people will think certain music is awesome while others will think it’s just “meh”? But then there’s music that, well, pretty much anyone would agree is awesome? African hand drumming, done well, definitely falls into the latter category. I don’t know why anyone would actually dislike it; it’s like seeing a really good YouTube video with 50 000 likes and 20 dislikes and thinking, “Who are those 20 idiots?” Anyway, a 30-member ensemble from UVic’s MUS 208-African Hand Drumming course will be treating audiences at this noon-hour concert to a wide variety of rhythms on the djembe, balafon and dundun. Sounds like a great way to spend a noon hour, don’t you think? Those pulsating beats could loosen up the most severe case of tight-assed-ness imaginable.
For more info, call (250) 721-8634 or email concert@uvic.ca. UVic Phillip T. Young Recital Hall (MacLaurin Bldg.) Rm. B125. 12–1 p.m. Free.
Saturday, April 6
Third Annual Tartan Day
“If it’s not Scottish, it’s crap!” is a famous line (courtesy of Mike Myers in a classic SNL skit) that I admittedly disagree with — there are plenty of good non-Scottish things out there, including Nintendo Entertainment Systems and Nanaimo bars. But I wouldn’t dare argue that legendary statement with anyone at the Third Annual Tartan Day, lest they give me a good bollocking. In honour of National Tartan Day, Market Square will be full of non-crappy, all-Scottish activities including tartan weavers, bakers, pipers, dancers, Celtic bands and much more. Guys, this is your chance to finally go commando out in public in your kilt and have it be socially acceptable.
For more info, visit sacsvictoria.com and click on events. Market Square (560 Johnson St.). 12–4 p.m. Free.
Tuesday, April 9
What on Earth is in Our Stuff? Non-renewable Resources and Us
Let’s face it — it’s just way too easy to take all the mountains of stuff that surround us for granted. It has to come from somewhere, doesn’t it? And we can only get so much stuff out of the earth before there is no more stuff to be had. If you’re not already aware of all this, then it is time to raise your awareness, no? Well, Dr. Eileen Van der Flier-Keller of UVic’s School of Earth and Ocean Sciences is here to school ya. She’ll be hosting a presentation discussing the non-renewable resources that go into creating the products we use in every facet of our daily lives. It’s not that this issue hasn’t occurred to me before, but I’m sure this lecture will be a real eye-opener. Does anyone else think that we’ll likely end up digging through our garbage dumps for stuff one day?
For more info, visit events.uvic.ca and click on April 9. UVic Fraser Bldg., Rm. 159. 7:30–9:15 p.m. Free.
Wednesday, April 10
White Water, Black Gold (film screening in Colwood)
Director David Lavallee’s documentary White Water, Black Gold investigates the controversial Alberta tar sands from a slightly different perspective: where does the water needed to run the massive project come from, what happens to it and where does it end up? And who (and what) is affected along the way? The answer to those questions leads to quite an interesting, sometimes breathtaking and definitely unsettling adventure. This screening is worth the trip out to Colwood for sure, and if you miss this one, there’ll be another one, also at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, April 17, at Esquimalt United Church (500 Admirals Rd.).
For more info, visit sierraclub.bc.ca/events. Church of the Advent (510 Mt. View Ave.), 7–9 p.m. Free.
Saturday, April 6
Build the Best Soil
A lot of people think or talk about the various “when the crap hits the fan” scenarios that could happen to our society, but few take the initiative to act upon them. Jackie Robson is one of those few people, and I think one day a lot of people may be very thankful for people like her. After speaking with a friend who said that city folk are absolutely clueless when it comes to growing their own food, she was inspired to learn as much as she could about organic gardening. Robson’s inspiration has led her to become an expert on the subject, and at this event she’ll be sharing that expertise with you with regards to the chemical composition of your soil and how important it is to proper vegetable growing. I can give you a few tips: chicken poo is okay for the soil, but you have to wait a year or so for it to be useful; cat poo is not good at all. Pre-registration is required for this event.
For more info, email info@compost.bc.ca, call (250) 386-9676 (Wed. – Sat.) or visit compost.bc.ca. The Greater Victoria Compost Education Centre (1216 North Park St.). 2–4 p.m. Members $10/ Non-members $15.
Thursday, April 4
No Foolin’
Getting through university is no easy feat; imagine trying to get through it as a parent! Some of you reading this don’t have to imagine, because that’s the boat you’re in, and I gotta say to you — you have my admiration, big time. While I don’t have children clamouring for my attention, I do have a cat, but it’s definitely not the same thing. Anyway, No Foolin’ is an annual event put on by the UVic Family Centre as a celebration of the intertwining of student-parents’ family life and campus life. Festivities include food, games, activities and more, including parachute games! Eeeeee! Parachute games were always my favourite as a kid! I would love to drop by and participate in the parachute games, but I’m sure that would not be appropriate. Sometimes it sucks to not be a little kid anymore.
For more info, visit web.uvic.ca/family-centre, call (250) 472-4062 or email familyc@uvic.ca. UVic Family Centre (39208-2375 Lam Circle). 4:30–6:30 p.m. Free.
Wednesday, April 10
UVic 50th Anniversary Deans’ Lecture Series: Education – There is an App for That
Tablets and apps are a big thing — no, make that a big, big thing these days. No! Make that a big, big, big, big, BIG thing! No, make that a . . . okay, I’ll stop. If you’re into your hi-tech gadgetry, you know there’s an app out there to do just about anything you could imagine. So, how could this affect kids’ learning in classrooms, other than improve their ability to throw birds at things? Tim Pelton and Leslee Francis-Pelton of UVic’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction will be on hand to speak to that. Kids these days, sheesh. You know, I didn’t have any of this cool, hi-tech stuff in the class when I was a kid, but at least I had Crayola Crayons. I don’t think there’s anything in the world that beats the smell and texture of a freshly opened box of wax crayons. Aaaahh . . . there isn’t an app for that yet!
By the way, if you plan on going, make sure to call (250) 472-4747 beforehand and register to make sure you get a seat.
For more info, visit uvcs.uvic.ca/lectures/deans. Legacy Art Gallery (630 Yates St.). 7–8:30 p.m. Free.