by Belle White | Jan 21, 2018 | Culture, Events
Nasty women with nice signs. A photo from the 2018 Women’s March. Victorians need to turn up in similar numbers to the Stolen Sisters March. Photo by Belle White, Photo Editor Photo by Belle White, Photo Editor The Women’s March, January 2018. Photo by...
by Belle White | Nov 2, 2017 | Culture, Events
The UVic Lampoon, the University’s new comedy club, isn’t just giving students a night off to laugh; according to its co-founder Alistair Ogden, the club is filling a void. “Obviously we have a range of perspectives at UVic, and you can bring in speakers and do...
by Belle White | Sep 21, 2017 | Culture, Music
All photos by Belle White, Photo...
by Belle White | Sep 12, 2017 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Your guide to where to take photos in town The beginning of the school year is all about sharing; our friends and classmates will share used textbooks, directions to the cheapest grocery stores, or their opinion on the best cup of joe on campus. These are all helpful...
by Belle White | Feb 23, 2017 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
As a homeschooler, sometimes people would look at me like I am from another planet because I grew up differently. But what they do not realize is that there are many ways to accomplish something. So I caught up with three former homeschoolers, now thriving UVic...