by Christopher Driscoll | Oct 13, 2020 | Culture
“Broken Promises” explores the racist failures of mid-20th century Canadian policy Image courtesy of NNMCC. On Sept. 26, the Landscapes of Injustice project launched “Broken Promises,” a new national exhibition focused on the history of Japanese-Canadian...
by Christopher Driscoll | Oct 7, 2020 | Culture, Film
Photo from Inconvenient Indian, Courtesy of National Film Board. Sept. 24 kicked off the 39th Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF). The event, which is normally marked by an influx of tourists and long multi-hour sessions of sitting in a dark theatre through...
by Christopher Driscoll | Sep 24, 2020 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Don’t forget to wear a … mask Graphic by Darian Lee. In the summer, Victoria is usually a place alive with festivals, large beach get-togethers, and wild nights on the town as the student population returns for the coming fall term. Instead, a time normally used to...
by Christopher Driscoll | Sep 24, 2020 | Opinions
Bars should listen to Bonnie Henry’s advice Graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish On Sept. 8, Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer, issued a new COVID-related restriction on B.C.’s nightlife. Venues are no longer allowed to serve alcohol after 10 p.m. unless...
by Christopher Driscoll | Aug 14, 2020 | Culture
Victoria’s drag scene shines at city’s newest queer venue Photo of Nikolai Hardbasskovitch (Annie Konstantinova) by Sonja Pinto In recent years, the art of drag has shifted from the burlesque of basement bars and closed-off attic venues to a fully-fledged artistic...