
Over $3 000 in parts recovered for UVic Formula motorsport team

Saanich police arrested a 48 year old man who had been attempting to sell parts stolen from the University of Victoria Formula Motorsport club on the online listing site UsedVictoria.…

UVSS joins call for sustainable, free transit in first meeting

At the first meeting of their new term, the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) Board of Directors unanimously voted to publicly support a call for sustainability-focused changes to the…
UVic Formula Motorsport club.

Over $2 500 in parts stolen from the UVic Formula Motorsport workshop

Crucial equipment was discovered missing from the UVic Formula Motorsport club's workshop yesterday, threatening their participation in an international competition this May. The parts are suspected to be stolen, and…

Final UVSS board meeting sees presentations on election report

On April 15, the 2018/2019 UVSS Board of Directors met for the final time to reflect on potential ways to improve UVSS elections and poli-sci gargoyles. The meeting consisted of…

Holodomor bus teaches students about the Ukrainian genocide

The bus is impossible to miss. It’s massive, painted with orange wheat fields, blue sky, and “HOLODOMOR — THE UKRAINIAN GENOCIDE” in white capital letters. A sight that causes drivers…

Complaints about Starbucks uncovered in emails to UVic admin from community

Broken hearts, ethical concerns, and presidentally-addressed Facebook reactions — all new information discovered by the Martlet through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Between Nov. 6 and Nov. 20 2018,…

Social justice panel connects dots from societal barriers to individual suffering

The “Social Justice and Human Rights” panel at UVic on April 5 encouraged participants to look beyond the individual to the structures of society that are granting or limiting their…
vote B.C. snap election

Voter turnout 2.97 per cent for UVic Senate student elections

On Monday, April 8, the Office of the University Secretary released the election results from the race for student senators on the University of Victoria website. Of the 21 042…

Students blockade Michael Williams Building at UVic

A group of students formed a picket line at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, blockading UVic’s primary administrative building to protest the #UVic Board of Governors' international tuition hikes and continued…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2