
The four biggest news stories you might have missed this summer

Although many students were away from campus this summer — visiting home, on co-op, or traveling to exotic places — that didn’t keep UVic and Victoria from announcing several major…

VIPIRG terminates lease with UVSS, moves to Fifth Street office

On August 26, VIPIRG announced that they terminated their lease agreement with the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) due to what they felt was an increasingly unsustainable partnership. The…

Grad House financial struggle, apology discussed at Graduate Representative Council meeting

On August 13, the Graduate Representative Council (GRC) met to discuss the creation of a plan to tackle the Grad House restaurant’s ongoing financial struggle and issue an apology to…

Sessional instructor strike could hit campus this fall

After months of collective bargaining, the University of Victoria and CUPE 4163 (the union representing sessional and music performance instructors) have failed to reach an agreement on a new contract…

Construction underway for campus Starbucks

Starbucks coffee is set to make its debut on campus on Sep. 3, with renovations currently underway of the former Finnerty Express cafe in the UVic bookstore complex.

Grad House restaurant faces possible temporary closure due to financial difficulties

The UVic Graduate Student Society (GSS) Executive Board is calling for the Graduate Representative Council (GRC) to vote on the fate of Grad House restaurant due to ongoing financial concerns.…

Wilde About Sappho reading celebrates 50 years of same-sex relationship legalization in Canada

Held in the middle of Pride Week, literary event “Wilde About Sappho” took to Victoria City Hall to honour—via a powerful collection of queer literature—that 50 years ago, Canada decriminalized…

20 km march against Trudeau’s approval of Trans Mountain pipeline is “only the beginning” for protestors

On Saturday, June 22, more than 300 protestors marched over 20 kilometres in protest of recent federal approval for the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. The trek started with a…

Greater Victoria Public Library program one of eight honoured by American Library Association

The Change Your Mind campaign began as an update to the official website and grew into a marketing campaign to raise awareness of the libraries’ services by starting a conversation.…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2