Stock photo of the SUB, by Belle White, Photo Editor.
Like the dwindling number of sunny days left for Victoria this year, the latest UVSS board meeting was short and sweet.
In an event that lasted just under half an hour, the board welcomed some fresh faces to the table, ratified new clubs, and settled issues pertaining to funding for some course unions.
Director of Outreach and University Relations Pierre-Paul Angelblazer suggested the board introduce themselves by going around the table and sharing a fun fact about themselves.
However, after a groan from the table, Isabella Lee, Director of Student Affairs, countered by saying that in the spirit of fall, the board should state their favourite tree leaf.
After Angelblazer said maple to start off the round of introductions, the board appeared unimpressed with the icebreaker.
“Maybe the question should be how many trees people know,” said Ainsley Kerr, Director of Campaigns and Community Relations.
Isabella Lee said she had resolved the funding issues previously reported at the last board meeting.
Confused laughter filled the Vertigo lounge of the SUB as the board finally continued going around the table, introducing themselves to two proposed members to the collective.
With the resignation of both Bradley Thom as the Native Students Representative (NSU) and Natalie Belcha as the representative and Society for Students with a Disability (SSD), the board had to approve two interim reps for the remainder of the 2018/19 term.
Kolin Sutherland-Wilson was decided on by the NSU to fill the vacant seat left by Thom, and current SSD Treasurer Emily Stremel was nominated as the new SSD representative to the board.
After the roundtable of introductions, the meeting moved to ratify the proposed members. Lee had fond words to say of both Sutherland-Wilson and Stremel, as well as their predecessors.
“I think that the motion speaks for itself, I’m sad to see Bradley [Thom] go—he was amazing to work with last year, but I’m excited to welcome the new board rep [Sutherland-Wilson].”
Executive Director Sabrina Sudney reiterated that the UVSS audit is complete and that they are inching towards getting the rest of their financial statements caught up.
“Natalie [Belcha] was absolutely incredible during the summer, she showed up as many times as she could, she was just fantastic to work with, but I’m very excited to work with our new board rep with the SSD,” said Lee.
There was little discussion after Lee’s motivations, and both nominations were approved unanimously.
Moving to reports from board members, Executive Director Sabrina Sudney reiterated that the UVSS audit is complete and that they are inching towards getting the rest of their financial statements caught up.
Reporting on behalf of course unions, Lee said she had resolved the funding issues previously reported at the last board meeting. At the time, Lee had reported that course unions would be receiving significantly less than the amount they usually received and what they had asked for.
“They all got their money, and that entire thing has been solved,” said Lee. “We worked together and they all received all of what they asked for, which was great, so expect to see some mind blowing events from the course unions soon.”
The board then moved to approve four new clubs with no funding for the fall semester: the Social Justice Club, Society Student Entrepreneurs, Association for Bahá’í Studies (ABS) UVic, and Cabaret Voltaire.
All four of these clubs were approved, and the board concluded the meeting by approving Applied Theatre with half-funding for the 2018 fall semester.
The next UVSS board meeting will take place on Oct. 29 at 6 p.m. in the SUB Upper Lounge.