“Yes, I’m planning on seeing it on the 20th. It’s my best friend’s birthday that day and he’s having a Star Wars-themed birthday party which includes laser tag and then going to see the movie.”
“Yeah, I love Star Wars. I’ve been watching it since I was a kid!”
“I am not, because I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies, so I’m not that excited for it. But I’m excited about how excited everyone else is, because I feel like a lot of people are really looking forward to it.”

Zoe-Blue Coates, First-year History & French student (left), and Jacob Coates, Third-year History student (right)
Jacob: “Oh, I’m most definitely going to see it. I’m going to go see it with my dad. It’s kind of been a father-son tradition forever.”
Zoe-Blue: “I’m really looking forward to Star Wars. I reserved my ticket; I’m from Toronto so it’s pretty hyped over there. Yeah, definitely looking forward to it because like Jacob, I’ve watched movies with my dad when I was a kid. So, yeah. Really excited.”
“I would see it if someone I knew wanted to see it, but I’m not planning on it, no.”