
The Book of Souls a stunning return to form

I’ll admit that when I heard the news heavy metal stalwarts Iron Maiden were releasing a new album — and a double album at that — my excitement was laced with trepidation. For all…

Come & Go makes for upbeat #tbt

When I hear a track on the radio, or a friend suggests a song for me to listen to, my first thought is to wonder where this music comes from.…

Fringe Fest: Fallout leaves a mark

“Who would you bring to the end of the world?” and “What’s with the grapefruits?” aren’t questions you’d normally hear together, or questions you’d hear at all. But Markus Spodzieja…

Fringe Fest: Two has us seeing double

The Martlet recently spoke with Two’s Kat Taddei and Colette Habel ahead of the show’s premiere. You can read it here. This review does contain some spoilers.  As I previously wrote…

UVic duo team up for Fringe Festival debut

At this year’s Victoria Fringe Festival, two shows called Two will take the stage. The humour of this coincidence isn’t lost on Colette Habel and Kat Taddei, respectively the director…

FKA twigs’s M3LL155X an icon for sexuality, creativity, and empowerment

To FKA twigs’s most dedicated fans, M3LL155X (pronounced “Melissa”), or EP3, came after what felt like months of teasing, song releases, and live performances. To the rest of the world,…

Generation gap: Pondering the intricacies of Pixar’s Inside Out

Kathleen Ross is an eleven-year-old girl, just like Inside Out’s protagonist, Riley. Stephen is a grouchy professor who kind of hates everything just as a default. The two sat down…

Events: August 6–Sept 10

ART 9th Annual Integrate Arts Festival It’s August already?! Sadly, yes. But don’t fret; just because summer’s drawing to a close doesn’t mean the fun’s going to stop. The Integrate…

OUTstages makes a spectacular debut

The poster for OUTstages draws the eye with a gorgeous headshot of a drag queen in pink lipstick and pearls. I was intrigued by the festival’s tagline, “Victoria’s first queer…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2