Gabe Luger
Third year
Physical Education
“Definitely beach soccer. All the beach sports, actually. Also, I’m looking forward to doing everything bare-footed — you get to play out in the sun and not have to worry about anything.”
Maureen McCulligh
Fourth year
Physical Education
“Well, we pretty much have one sport lined up for the summer: running. We can’t do too much else till our break. I am looking forward to sports bra weather and running outdoors in the sun.”
Adam Gaudes
Third year
“Definitely track and field. I’ll have some big meets this summer. I want to qualify for the World University Games and compete at senior nationals.”
Alex Redpath
Fourth year
Physical Education
“I play soccer all year round, and I like to take the opportunity in the summer to do different things I don’t do normally in the year. I’m planning on playing a bit of baseball; have a few beers playing baseball, just enjoy myself.”