On a cold and rainy evening in November, the UVSS Board of Directors met to discuss their recent initiatives, upcoming events, and hummus. The meeting lasted about 30 minutes and was also livestreamed to the UVSS Facebook page.
After a brief discussion about some livestreaming technical questions, the UVSS Director of Clubs and Course Unions, Victoria Eaton, was asked to provide a territory acknowledgment.
Next, the Chair of the meeting, Director of Outreach Johnathan Granirer, asked for any announcements. The Director of Events, Shay lynn Sampson, began by noting that there is an accessibility town hall coming up on Nov. 27. The event will allow students to give their feedback on the B.C. Government’s proposed accessibility legislation.
Juliet Watts, the Director of Campaigns and Community relations, had a couple announcements to make. First, Watts noted that there will be a Divest demonstration at the UVic Board of Governors meeting on November 26 and, secondly, that UVic’s free menstrual products initiative starts this week.
Granirer also invites members of the Board to join him in a visit to the Victoria Sexual Assault Center. The Board, he said, was invited to tour the facility.
The final announcement was from Jasmine MacGregor, the Gender Empowerment Centre (GEM) Representative. MacGregor told the Board about an upcoming Trans Day of Remembrance event, on November 20th at GEM.
“It’ll be a space to come together and reflect on how we can end transphobia, transantagonism, transmysogyny, and cis sexism.” MacGregor said.
Moving through the agenda quickly, the Board then discussed reports from committees and councils.
Watts, for Campaigns, spoke to a Divestment presentation and the Let’s Get Consensual group meeting with a member of the provincial Green caucus about sexualized violence. Watts also said she will be bringing back a transit campaign, and will be assembling a group for that.
The Director of Finance, Dakota McGovern, talked to how they published their financial report from this quarter on the website and spoke to some recent student-led initiatives.
Representatives from advocacy groups also noted their upcoming events.
For the main motions, Granirer asked to be replaced as chair so he could forward a specific motion.
With the motions done with, Granirer and Sampson switched seats again, and the board moved to in camera.
You can follow our live tweeting of every UVSS Board of Directors meeting on our Twitter account @TheMartlet.