> Applying lipstick with your cleavage is an adequate substitute for a personality.
> In the end, nerds don’t get love. Especially not if Molly Ringwald is involved.
> Skipping class requires an elaborate story about a death in the family, a costume and a stolen car. Whatever, Hughes: you obviously didn’t go to public school.
> You can pretend your dandruff is snow and still somehow land a boyfriend.
> It’s fine to make Molly Ringwald your protagonist in every film without changing her personality. Eat your heart out, writing students.
> Opposites attract; we’re also all the same. What was the end message in The Breakfast Club again?
> It’s fine to leave a young Macaulay Culkin home alone. He’ll figure it out.
> Go for the boy who wears a sports coat in high school. He’s rich.
> Never lend your panties to a boy. Should be obvious.
> With enough charisma, you can overtake a parade float and make an entire city fall in love with you.
> Parents are dense.
> Drama always increases just before summer vacation. Have a good one, UVic.