Stop! I hear a cacophony!

Stop! I hear a cacophony!

ROOMMATE CONFESSIONS To the “runner” on the second floor of Fraser Tolmie Apartments: You live in one of the most beautiful and temperate cities in Canada. On top of that, you are a stone’s throw from many beautiful running paths. Why would you need a treadmill? If...
Stop! I hear a cacophony!

Roommate confessions

This is why we knock I was changing once, and I didn’t hear my roommate open the door. When I realized that she was there (with her boyfriend), I jumped into the closet and hid. I tried to be really quiet, but they heard me and opened the closet. I still hadn’t put a...
Loss of choice

Loss of choice

I am a returning University of Victoria student, currently studying Psychology. I am in my late 40s, reasonably intelligent and well read. I have many interests: I love to learn, I love music, I love children, I am crazy about animals, I love to make people laugh, I...