John Lutz: The Importance of the Martlet

As part of the Martlet 70 Fundraiser, we’ve asked former Martlet staff to answer an important question: why do we need the Martlet? It’s not just a newspaper. Of the many reasons one might give for the vital importance of the Martlet: students’ need for knowledge and...

Käthe Lemon: Why do we need the Martlet?

As part of the Martlet 70 Fundraiser, we’ve asked former Martlet staff to answer an important question: why do we need the Martlet? 1) In this era of truthiness and #fakenews we need readers and writers who think critically about information — the Martlet produces...

Kim Balfour: Why do we need the Martlet?

It depends on who “we” are. As a Martlet co-editor, 30+ years ago, I learned valuable life lessons that serve me well today. Not the least: Ask lots of questions, don’t take ‘no comment’ for an answer, don’t bury the lead, fact checking is hard but retractions are...