Battle of the books

I don’t own an e-reader, but I understand why many people do. Over the past few years, the technology has become so streamlined that it’s now cheap to own a basic tablet and put thousands of titles in one lightweight device. You can take your entire library with you...

Editorial: Food waste for thought

It’s something your parents probably told you during your childhood. You didn’t finish your food — don’t you know children are starving in Africa? According to the World Food Programme, a branch of the United Nations, 870 million people worldwide do not have enough to...

Knowing thy neighbour

Sunday night, 3 a.m. Midterm in the morning. My mind is full of useless textbook terms and definitions that will no doubt dissipate tomorrow during my jaunty post-exam stroll to the bus loop. I climb into bed next to my favourite stuffed animal and mull over the...

Sean Bean suffers amnesia

Famous television and film actor Sean Bean suffered a head injury recently while sailing his ship, The Horn of Gondor, in the English Channel. Coast guards and physicians speculate that Bean lost control of the craft in Beaufort 11 winds near the White Cliffs of Dover...