by Klara Woldenga | Jan 14, 2013 | Culture
On a recent trip to the Dominican Republic, I discovered the country’s national drink is called mamajuana. Yes, it sounds just like that — “mama wanna.” Now, I know what you’re thinking, because I thought the same thing: the Spanish pronunciation sounds oddly sexual...
by Klara Woldenga | Jan 14, 2013 | Opinions
So it was Jan. 31, and you had a wicked night planned. You wore your best dress, had a magnum of champagne in hand and kept your eye on the clock with a hottie in sight. You told yourself that this year was going to be different — that New Year’s Eve was going to be...
by Klara Woldenga | Jan 14, 2013 | Opinions
By now, you’ve definitely heard of the Idle No More movement: an Indigenous-led wave of protest and demonstration in support of treaty rights and against the Conservatives’ Bill C-45. With support now growing internationally and Attawapiskat First Nation’s Chief...
by Klara Woldenga | Dec 13, 2012 | Humour
You’re sitting at a round wooden table in a Starbucks because you couldn’t think of a more original setting for the first date. He’s 10 minutes late. The old couple beside you keeps kissing over peppermint lattes, the joyous barista is wearing reindeer antlers and...
by Klara Woldenga | Dec 13, 2012 | Opinions
This year in the Martlet, we’ve talked everything from Chairman Harper to ferry follies, oil spills to Comic-Con ills. Now the new year is rolling on in, and it’s time for us all to look back on some of the most interesting players in 2012 and figure out what they...