by Letters | Apr 8, 2019 | Letters, Opinions
American Dream, meritocracy, rags-to-riches, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, born on third base, the (un)deserving poor — these are just a smattering of the dominant, colonial, social class narratives that have been planted in our individual and collective...
by Letters | Mar 21, 2019 | Letters, Opinions
*This letter was sent to the University of Victoria Board of Governors and shared with the Martlet. Dear Board of Governors, I am writing to you today in advance of your March 26 meeting, and out of a personal sense of both urgency and dismay. Recently I have learned...
by Letters | Mar 7, 2019 | Letters, Opinions
Moving beyond student politics Regarding the UVSS election and the VIPIRG referendum, we, as the board and staff of VIPIRG, would like to thank the University of Victoria student body for patiently enduring the annual cavalcade of posters, chalking, talking, and...
by Letters | Feb 28, 2019 | Letters, Opinions
As a former University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) director, I’m appalled at the actions taken by the UVSS board in pushing through a last minute referendum to defund VIPIRG. VIPIRG is a progressive campus group that has researched and advocated...
by Letters | Oct 10, 2018 | Letters, Opinions
The case for and against UVSS faculty representation FOR No one’s ever surprised by the lack of engagement in UVSS elections. You can find Martlet articles dating back to the 1960s talking about student apathy, and a general distaste for student politics. One aspect...