Local libraries lending climate action kits

“I’ll take a bucket of climate action to go, please” is a phrase people may soon hear around local libraries. The Capital Regional District (CRD), partnered with B.C. Hydro and the Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL), is offering resources to reduce energy use and...

Dead deer provides evidence of urban poaching

A deer was found dead, killed with a crossbow, on a vacant lot in the Claremont area Oct. 3, marking the first known case of urban poaching in Saanich this year. A person mowing the lawn near the lot on Ironwood Place found the buck with a green arrow lodged in its...

CUPE, UVic return to bargaining table

After almost two years of negotiations and two weeks of job action, UVic union employees intensified their job action before returning to the bargaining table on Sept. 18. Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) locals 917, 951 and 4163 have been negotiating their...