Following a heated debate at the Sept. 22 UVSS board meeting, the motion to introduce a divestment referendum question to the Annual General Meeting was approved, and scheduled to take…
Sitting in his new office on the Fine Arts side o’ town (just across from his old haunts at the Phoenix Theatre), Mark Leiren-Young looks like the kind of professor…
The Equity and Human Rights office, the Mental Health Task Force, and the University of Victoria Students’ Society will be collaborating for “Out of the Shadows and into the Sunshine,”…
Mike Irvine comes from a long line of divers. His grandfather was an engineer who helped develop the Newtsuit, an atmospheric diving apparatus resembling a metal spacesuit. His father met…
On Friday, Sept. 19th, UVic’s long-awaited replacement to Centre Caf, dubbed Mystic Market, officially opened to the public, after being closed since December 2013.
On Sept. 19, UVic students stripped down to just their underwear and shoes to run around Ring Road and through campus buildings for the UVic Undie Run.
At 2 p.m. on Sept. 10, three pro-life advocacy group members from Youth Protecting Youth were speaking to UVic students at Clubs and Course Unions Day when their table was…
Mitchell Morales What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open? It’s pretty nice, I wish I had this in first year. I’m in my fourth year and…
September 21, 1972—“Full Report Not Made” In 1971, Dr. Alexander Kirk of the Chemistry Department headed a two-month investigation of the Visual Arts faculty. The department had been having so…