
UVSS Food Bank & Free Store relocates in SUB

On Sept. 30, the UVSS Food Bank & Free Store quietly reopened its doors, and is now operating in the Student Union Building basement, room B007.

UVic study links moderate drinking to breast cancer

The University of Victoria’s Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. (CARBC) recently published a study linking moderate drinking to breast cancer. The study shows that low-level drinkers, at less than…

UVic Senate meeting recap: Oct. 3

UVic’s Senate met on Oct. 3 to discuss a variety of proposals and reports from the Committee, Faculty, and Vice-President Academic and Provost.

Fossil fuel divestment: an FAQ

At its annual general meeting, the UVSS will ask undergraduates to choose whether or not to hold a referendum on the issue of fossil fuel divestment next year. In response,…

UVic Board of Governors meeting summary: Sept. 30

Campus planning, fossil fuel divestment, and community engagement updates were on the docket for UVic's BoG on Sept. 30.

UVic satellite team nominated for Dyson Award

UVic’s satellite design club ECOSat has been shortlisted as runner-up for the James Dyson Award, allowing them to compete internationally in the hopes of moving on to the final stage…

Fossil fuel divestment on upcoming UVSS AGM agenda

Following a heated debate at the Sept. 22 UVSS board meeting, the motion to introduce a divestment referendum question to the Annual General Meeting was approved, and scheduled to take…

You can’t say that: Comedy, censorship, and sensitivity

Sitting in his new office on the Fine Arts side o’ town (just across from his old haunts at the Phoenix Theatre), Mark Leiren-Young looks like the kind of professor…

Bringing mental health to light: Info fair aims to raise awareness, decrease stigma

The Equity and Human Rights office, the Mental Health Task Force, and the University of Victoria Students’ Society will be collaborating for “Out of the Shadows and into the Sunshine,”…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2