
UVic’s POLIS responds to Water Sustainability Act proposal

[Correction, Nov. 7, 2013: This article was printed with a misplaced word. The below has been corrected to reflect that Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, president of the Union of B.C.…

Grad pancake breakfast provides legal advice to international students

The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) hosted its fifth annual grad student pancake breakfast on Oct. 22 to welcome international grad students. This year, however, the international students were offered more…

UVic International Commons launches new programs in collaborative effort

The International Commons (IC) in McPherson Library is launching more than 20 new programs this semester, says IC Program Co-ordinator Adam Yaghi. The most recent ones are English 135 and…

UVic urban gamers play Humans vs. Zombies on campus

On Oct. 19, there was no more room in hell and the dead walked the earth. The UVic Urban Gaming Club banded together to battle zombies that had infiltrated UVic’s…

UVSS AGM fails to make quorum

The University of Victoria Students’ Society’s (UVSS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) was unable to address its hot topic issues on Oct. 17. The issues were an increase of Executive Directors’…

UVic Faculty Association launches unionization drive

The University of Victoria’s Faculty Association launched a union certification drive at an Oct. 7 general meeting in an attempt to pursue increased collegiality between the Faculty Association and the…

UVic Health Services ‘toes the line’ on missed appointments

Recently a new sign has appeared on the door of the Jack Petersen Health Centre reminding students they will be charged for missed pre-registered appointments. The policy states that if…

Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurs helps new businesses get started

It’s Small Business Month this month. Getting a dream off the ground can be a daunting task for most people; however, UVic’s Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurs (ICE) in the Gustavson…

Certificate in Language and Cultural Proficiency now available to students

Tim Iles is a professor of Japanese literature, cinema, culture, and language and one of the main figures behind the Language and Cultural Proficiency Certificate. The certificate is available in…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2