
Biannual business competition to award $11 000 in prize money

In its second year at the Innovative Centre for Entrepreneurs (ICE) is the Distinguished Entrepreneur of the Year Award. The biannual business competition will award $11 000 in total prize money…

UVSS open house solicits input on SUB renovations

On Nov. 22, the UVSS hosted an open house to give students the chance to voice their opinions on the SUB renovations. The event took place in the SUB Upper…

Distinguished scholars receive honorary degrees from UVic

This past Nov. 13, two elite members of the international academic community received honorary degrees from UVic. The recipients, Patrick Lane and Dr. George Whitesides, are recognized for achievements in…

NSLSC speaker offers advice to student loan holders

On Nov. 19, 2013, a regional representative from National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) held a presentation at UVic’s Clearihue building about tips on paying student loans back for those…

UVic events raise awareness of violence against women

The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (RAVAW) is fast approaching. This event, which officially takes place on Dec. 6, commemorates the tragic events that transpired…

New system to help students schedule accommodated exams

A new enterprise is in production at the Resource Centre for Students with a Disability (RCSD). The system, named Clockwork, is a database that will allow students with disabilities to…

UVic’s POLIS responds to Water Sustainability Act proposal

[Correction, Nov. 7, 2013: This article was printed with a misplaced word. The below has been corrected to reflect that Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, president of the Union of B.C.…

Grad pancake breakfast provides legal advice to international students

The Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) hosted its fifth annual grad student pancake breakfast on Oct. 22 to welcome international grad students. This year, however, the international students were offered more…

UVic International Commons launches new programs in collaborative effort

The International Commons (IC) in McPherson Library is launching more than 20 new programs this semester, says IC Program Co-ordinator Adam Yaghi. The most recent ones are English 135 and…

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