In January 2024, a student was struck by a car on Ring Road during a snowstorm, and rushed to the hospital. Following the incident, UVic faced harsh criticism for choosing…
As students and faculty anticipate a reliable, centralized strategy for dealing with extreme heat, the temperatures of many buildings on campus come spring, summer, and fall will continue to climb.
According to Dr. Ben Neal, a biology professor at UVic, the university’s undergraduate marine biology program could expand to include more locally applied marine conservation aspects.
After a push from UVic’s student Surfrider club, the university has implemented a reusable drink container pilot program that aims to cut down on campus waste.
The School of Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria (UVic) is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. At the time of this milestone, the school’s focus is on community engagement, and…
According to UVic’s Climate and Sustainability Action Plan (CSAP), the university’s campus may look and operate quite differently by 2030. Although many of the CSAP’s initiatives are long-term changes, others…
Tension arose during the UVSS Annual General Meeting (AGM) hosted on Oct. 17, when the VictoriaStrike4Palestine group discovered their motion for a student strike endorsed by the UVSS was not…