
How well do you think the UVSS election process works?

    Until I had a friend of mine explain it to me, I knew nothing about it. Zach Adams First year General studies     I didn’t find it…

Student elections end amid budget controversy and resignation

Campus elections have come to a close once again. Five new paid members of the UVSS have signed on and nine new directors-at-large, with two who were re-elected, eager to…

Post-sec schools ask, ‘Why can’t we be friends?’

The collective nature of Vancouver Island is as strong as ever. On March 5, five colleges and universities on Vancouver Island signed an agreement to re-affirm a commitment to work…

CARBC researcher calls cannabis “the exit drug”

Philippe Lucas, who works at UVic and as a researcher at the Centre for Addictions Research of British Columbia (CARBC), presented a seminar titled “Cannabis: The Exit Drug” in the…

The one-wheeled activist

Victoria local Joseph Boutilier has decided to embark on a five-month journey to Ottawa in order to raise awareness about climate change. The trip will include stops in small towns…

IdeaFest panel speaks on cyberbullying

A three-man panel spoke on cyberbullying during UVic’s 2014 IdeaFest. The first speaker, Kevin Runions, attempted to define cyberbullying. The second man, Brett Holfield, tried to articulate the best methods…

MP petitions government to save orcas

Southern Vancouver Island is home to many—man and beast. Killer whales comprise a small percentage of the island’s residents, but act as a major source of regional pride. However, just…

Deer cull planned for Oak Bay

Oak Bay Municipal Council has approved participation in a Capital Regional District (CRD) pilot project that would result in the trapping and killing of 25 deer in the municipality. The…

UVic to renew five-year sustainability plan

The Sustainability Action Plan: Campus Operation, UVic’s sustainability project, is wrapping up its first five years, having begun in 2009. The plan consists of a list of various goals; such…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2