
B.C. Generations Project draws nearly 29 000 participants to province’s largest long-term cancer prevention study

Participation window for adults to join the B.C. Generations Project closes March 31

Stolen Sisters Memorial March reminds us what we’ve lost

On Feb. 17, the annual Stolen Sisters Memorial March took place in Victoria, B.C. After meeting in front of Our Place, the participants marched along Pandora Street to Government Street…

Breaking down the style guide

Contradictory dress codes can put pressure on employees, business students

Dating app includes more privacy control features

“Privacy issues need no longer impede users’ satisfaction with SAM,” said Hattie Sellick, SAM spokesperson in an email interview.

Is UVic feather friendly enough?

Birds consistently killed from striking campus windows

Victoria encourages emergency planning

Do you have an emergency kit with food, water, spare clothes, a flashlight, whistle and first aid kit handy?

News Briefs

UVSS gears up for elections, Victorians get tech-savvy for trash and survey reveals the psychology of criticism

Indigenous and student voices join at Victoria Idle No More rally

The effects of this rally — as well as others like it — are yet to be seen. But many of the participants felt that the Jan. 26 event was…

Activists show no love for Kiss in the City Contest

Disruption Collective says contest gentrifies Victoria

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2