
Marijuana activists want vote on pot

Larsen has dedicated his life’s work to cannabis law reform.

UVic pension funds invested in Enbridge Inc. — activists call for ethical investment policies

UVic’s 2011 Combination Pension Plan shows over $4 million invested in Enbridge Inc. and over $45 million in the tar sands, which make up the majority of the energy portfolio.

Would students benefit from more co-op funding?

I’m only in first year, so I don’t know much about co-op. So, I don’t know, but I’d always assume that more funding is a good thing for students.

Vancouver retirement home that’s inclusive of all sexual identities proposed

Dignity House project aims to address issues unique to LGBTTQI seniors

Winning the boss over

Tax credits for co-op employers could make hiring students a more attractive option

The minds behind UVic’s VENUS and NEPTUNE projects launch new Arctic observatory

After success with the VENUS and NEPTUNE underwater observatories off Vancouver Island, UVic’s Ocean Networks Canada has built a new underwater observatory in the Canadian Arctic.

Idle No More: UVic to Toronto

  Thursday and Friday saw more Idle No More protests across Canada. Thursday at UVic, a demonstration was held in the Bus Exchange, interrupting service at the university. Friday saw…

Transit union cancels full-scale walkout for Jan. 22

Update: B.C. Transit and its drivers' union have reached a tentative agreement as of Jan. 16, 2012. The full-day Jan. 22 strike has been cancelled, and the Vicinity buses will…

Board Briefs: Electoral office, Society for Students with a Disability present at Jan. 7 board meeting

The UVic Students’ Society (UVSS) electoral office made a presentation about the Nov. 29 referendum process to the UVSS Board of Directors (BoD) on Jan. 7. The referendum passed with…

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