
How much should your beer cost?

Study finds minimum alcohol pricing based on ethanol content will reduce harm

Action required to ensure vulnerable women are no longer ‘forsaken’

UVic experts agree issues raised in Missing Women Commission of Inquiry Report best addressed in implementation

Langara Students’ Union bars students from attending board meetings in new bylaws

In addition to the restrictions on attending meetings, quorum for annual general meetings drops from 150 to 50, council members are held to a maximum of two terms, candidates for…

B.C.’s climate action agenda threatened

Auditor general’s report critiques transit numbers, government transparency

UVic looks inward to name next president

Law professor, former provost Jamie Cassels will take the reins this July

Systemic failures in police investigations responsible for violence against vulnerable women

Missing Women Inquiry Report calls for regional police organization, improved preventative measures

UVic announces Jamie Cassels will be next president

Former vice-president academic and provost will take office in July

Newly elected Victoria MP Rankin goes to Ottawa

Murray Rankin, the newly elected New Democrat MP for Victoria, is off to Ottawa and he is working with government ministers and public service officials on post-secondary funding and environmental regulations. Rankin…

Bus pass costs UVic employees more than they may realize

Some staff believe UVic is not clear enough about total cost of E-Pass

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2