
UVic’s thriving marine biology program has room to grow

According to Dr. Ben Neal, a biology professor at UVic, the university’s undergraduate marine biology program could expand to include more locally applied marine conservation aspects.

‘Our focus is on action’

The School of Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria (UVic) is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. At the time of this milestone, the school’s focus is on community engagement, and…

What will campus look like in 2030?

According to UVic’s Climate and Sustainability Action Plan (CSAP), the university’s campus may look and operate quite differently by 2030. Although many of the CSAP’s initiatives are long-term changes, others…

UVSS asks continuing studies students not to use food bank anymore

The UVSS requested that students from continuing studies, a key demographic of regular food bank users, no longer access the resource. 

Missed motion at UVSS meeting highlights hurdles in student activism

Tension arose during the UVSS Annual General Meeting (AGM) hosted on Oct. 17, when the VictoriaStrike4Palestine group discovered their motion for a student strike endorsed by the UVSS was not…

Vikes break the tape at Canada West championships

Following first place finishes for both the men’s and women’s teams at Calgary’s Stewart Cup on Oct. 12, Vikes XC felt like this could finally be the moment to capture…

UVic anthropologist’s research sheds light on our understanding of puberty

Dr. April Nowell is the UVic professor behind new research that examines what puberty looked like for Upper Paleolithic — or Ice Age — teenagers. 

UVic Renewable Energy Club identifies solar energy hotspots on campus

UVic’s Renewable Energy Club (UREC) is working to map UVic’s solar energy potential by measuring the amount of solar energy received in a number of key locations around campus. 

‘Cultural Zionist’ to speak on ‘Protest, US Politics and the War in Gaza’

UVic’s Faculty of Law will host an event called Protest, US Politics and the War in Gaza. Promoted on UVic’s website as a “nuanced discussion on one of today’s most…

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