
Victoria is not immune to fires like LA’s: Experts 

“I know the island is getting [to be] of concern as global change happens. It appears to be getting warmer all the time here, and drier. We have so much…

Can B.C. survive a trade war?

“We have the people with the skills, we have the resources, we have the geography to take this threat and turn it into an opportunity to grow prosperity for everyone…

UVic expert explains the science behind salmonella 

“The Class A branding on eggs means that they’ve gone through testing for various pathogens, including Salmonella,” he said. Since chickens aren’t vaccinated against the disease in North America, eggs…

Local initiative seeks to map 1 000 rain gardens on southern Vancouver Island

While mapping rain gardens is the current project, Daniel told the Martlet that RUSH plans to map more kinds of green infrastructure and community supports — including canopy coverage, food…

‘It’s about time’

“What I genuinely think needs to happen is that all of the parties need to replace their leaders,” Jo said. In their view, Trudeau, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, and Conservative…

Vikes basketball previews for season’s second half

On paper, the Vikes should be able to easily handle TWU on Jan. 10 and 11 coming out of the break. TWU sits at fourth in the division, with a…

Victoria bands and musicians are looking beyond local for places to play

“It's always a bit of a struggle in Victoria because there aren't that many venues in the first place.” Marshman said. “We're kind of at a point right now with…

Medical experts needed to combat drug disinformation, says Victoria addictions physician

‘It’s not so much not doing the right things — it’s not doing them at scale’ In November, Dr. Ryan Herriot made national news when he helped set up an…

Decarbonizing UVic’s energy plant is a critical but costly step towards a greener campus

UVic has set out to reduce its carbon emissions by 50 per cent below their 2010 baseline by 2030, and reach net zero by 2040. In 2023, UVic’s carbon emissions…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2