

Week of February 28

Style Vomit: Big box versus boutique

Victoria is a city blessed with the success of small businesses. Clothing boutiques of different styles and price points line the streets of downtown.


Week of February 14

Anatomy of the male underwear

Though I never fully understood these parts of masculinity, I always accepted them. However, one concept blows my mind even today: male underwear.

Valentine’s Day: stress in a heart-shaped box

Ever since Grade 2, Valentine’s Day has been an occasion of dread for me.

Editorial: Remembering both ends of the libido spectrum

This week’s issue is mostly about sex.

The futility of using terror to fight terror

Ever since the attacks of 9-11, Western governments have been focused on fighting the seemingly endless “war on terror.”

Idle No More apart

Indigenous people across North America are raising their voices as one and speaking in the only way we can hear them.

When hot yoga leaves you cold

If people think yoga is a good form of exercise even though all you do is stand around in different poses, then sweating more must mean it’s more effective, right?

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2