
Battle of the books

I don’t own an e-reader, but I understand why many people do.

Editorial: Food waste for thought

It’s something your parents probably told you during your childhood. You didn’t finish your food — don’t you know children are starving in Africa? According to the World Food Programme,…

Style time-travel travails

Please, say goodbye to 1995

There is no urban Bambi

The shocking truth about our ungulate enemies

New Year’s Eve is the worst

So it was Jan. 31, and you had a wicked night planned. You wore your best dress, had a magnum of champagne in hand and kept your eye on the…

Museums can take us back to a personal past

I’m not a lifetime resident of Victoria, but I’m close to it. I’m more like a lifetime tourist. Although I didn’t start living in this city until I attended UVic,…

Growing Pains: Taking emotional responsibility

We do our best to empathize and stop immediately if we see someone react as if they’re offended, and for the majority of us, the insults are just more proof…

Letters January 10, 2013

Arbitration needed in transit dispute As Vanessa Hawk’s recent article (“Transit job action continues, no formal negotiations scheduled,” Dec. 13) makes clear, the main impediment to a settlement in the ongoing B.C. Transit…

Fairy tales of fat

Obesity as a final, awful bastion of prejudice

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2