
The rest of Canada can’t afford to be idle

By now, you’ve definitely heard of the Idle No More movement: an Indigenous-led wave of protest and demonstration in support of treaty rights and against the Conservatives’ Bill C-45. With…

Making do with the West Coast in winter

With no frozen ponds or snowy hills, what do West-Coasters do all winter?

Editorial: Looking back and ahead

Now the new year is rolling on in, and it’s time for us all to look back on some of the most interesting players in 2012 and figure out what…


Week of December 13

Growing pains: Generation of communication

We watched the cast of Radio Free Roscoe wait impatiently for their friends to call, but little did they know the greater horrors of typing a message and waiting for…

Finding your family during the holidays

I come from a small town in the Interior that, despite all its aesthetic charm, really has nothing. Absolutely nothing, except in some cases the horror of small-town trivialities and…

Marijuana legalization needed in Canada

The recent legalization of marijuana by the states of Colorado and Washington shows that attitudes towards the drug have been changing.

This week in Tweets


Editorial: War on the War on Men

If your ears have been tuned to the web at all these last few months, you’ve heard plenty of invective about male and female gender roles.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2