

Week of December 6

Remember the players; forget the ref

Applaud Canada’s previous soccer success as we prepare for the 2015 World Cup

A right to canvass, a right to engage

Our democracy is predicated upon the principle that we, as citizens, cast a ballot for our preferred candidate in an election. To do this, we must have knowledge of the…

Russian Rocket deserves his spot in Hockey Hall of Fame

On Nov. 12, former Canucks icon Pavel Bure was finally given a spot in the prestigious Hockey Hall of Fame after six years of being passed up by the selection…


Week of November 29

Removing barriers for an inclusive and accessible society

Dec. 3 marks the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Here at UVic, there are approximately 950 students either self-declared or declared by the provincial or federal governments…

Editorial: BP’s payout only a drop in the ocean

In April 2010, a massive oil spill blighted the Gulf of Mexico in the wake of an explosion on the deep-sea drilling rig Deepwater Horizon. Extensive damage to marine life,…

A+ for Supreme Court

Supreme Court rules B.C. school system discriminated against dyslexic student

Leaf blowers should be banned in Victoria

He stands there looking like something out of Ghostbusters, an intruder in our neighbourhood. He’s wearing battle gear — giant goggles, ear protectors and a baseball cap. He looks proud…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2