
road to fairy creek blockade forests

Horgan’s old-growth logging rhetoric exposes his colonial ignorance

Horgan's government’s actions and rhetoric surrounding old-growth logging and the blockades at Fairy Creek only point to how entrenched in it they really are.
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

The importance of Indigenous history month

This Indigenous History Month, and all after, read a book by an Indigenous author, unlearn what you have and learn the true history of Canada.
canada day stock photo, canadian flags

Our home on stolen land

Indigenous peoples have watched white colonial settlers celebrating over 150 Canada Days — celebrating a day when four provinces joined together and proclaimed land that was not theirs to be…
international student studying in Pakistan

Nocturnal studying, disconnection, and stress: The life of an international student studying online from South Asia

Time differences have disrupted my body clock, social life, and connection with Canadian culture  Like many students, I started online classes in September 2020. However, unlike most of my classmates…

Letter to the Editor: Hold the NDP Accountable to Protecting BC’s Old Growth Forests

This is a letter to the editor. The Martlet has an open letters policy and will endeavour to print every letter received from members of the universitycommunity, with priority to…
David strong uvic

Why doesn’t UVic have more buildings named after women?

Walking around campus it is easy to see the longstanding legacy of many past Presidents, Chancellors, and Chairs of the Board of Governors at UVic when looking at the names…
Return-to-campus fall primer B.C.

UVic’s fall plans neglect the concerns of students

UVic always says that students’ health and safety is their number one priority, but this plan does not align with that claim. If this is UVic’s way of prioritizing health…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Palestinians are facing violent settler colonialism at the hands of Israel

From house evictions to everyday violence, Israel continues to prove it is a racist settler state For the past week there have been demonstrations in the city of Jerusalem, and…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

The British crown need not hold any more power here

It is time to sever ties with those who have oppressed for centuries The country of Canada is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the Crown has authority but must…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2