
annie konstantinova photo

Molly Mormon is a drag king

Victoria Drag King Nikolai Hardbasskovitch opens up about self-discovery, gender performance, creating art pre- and post-pandemic, and the unexpected outcomes of artistic identity.

Uncovering the spectrum of asexuality

The Hidden ‘A’ in LGBTQ2SIA+ Although awareness of the LGBTQ2S+ community is common, asexuality is often left undiscussed and those that identify on the asexual spectrum can feel forgotten.  The…
contraception options

Birth Control is empowering, here’s what you need to know about your contraception options

With knowledge and availability of contraception lacking, students often find it difficult to navigate their contraceptive options. Jennifer Gibson, coordinator of community services at Island Sexual Health, says that education…

Jo-Ina Young, Métis knowledge-keeper, is a force of nature

Jo-Ina Young is a Métis knowledge-keeper who spends her days serving on various boards of education and teaching students traditional sewing and beading. Her ancestry traces back to Maxime Lépine,…

W̱ЌEL, W̱,ЌELIWENS: Indigenous language revitalization through recording a SENĆOŦEN sleep meditation

In response to sleeplessness during COVID-19, our family has tried W̱ЌEL, W̱,ЌELIWENS — which means “sleep meditation.” Through recording a version of the meditation in SENĆOŦEN, it also acts as…
vancouver island university viu

Overturning a legacy: barriers to post-secondary education faced by a former youth in care

ʔukłaamaḥ Caroline Thompson. I reside on the c̓išaaʔatḥ (Tseshaht) territory. I am a single mother of two wonderful sons, Michael (15 years old) and Dean (10 years old). I am a registered…
whale rhonda reidy

UVic PhD candidate studying humpback whale feeding behaviour

The other is a trio of humpback whales breathing together at the surface, one has the suction cup tag on its back.
homeade oreo

Christmas Cookie Recipe: Better than Store-Bought Oreos

Whether you’re sharing with your household, leaving them on a friend’s doorstep, or eating them all yourself, these homemade Oreo cookies are sure to be a hit this holiday season.
diy gift idea graphic

DIY Gift Guide: eight holiday gift ideas you can make at home

This year, holiday cheer might seem hard to come by. Even if you don’t have the funds to buy gifts, you can easily make these ones at home. Most of…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2