Victoria Drag King Nikolai Hardbasskovitch opens up about self-discovery, gender performance, creating art pre- and post-pandemic, and the unexpected outcomes of artistic identity.
The Hidden ‘A’ in LGBTQ2SIA+ Although awareness of the LGBTQ2S+ community is common, asexuality is often left undiscussed and those that identify on the asexual spectrum can feel forgotten. The…
With knowledge and availability of contraception lacking, students often find it difficult to navigate their contraceptive options. Jennifer Gibson, coordinator of community services at Island Sexual Health, says that education…
Jo-Ina Young is a Métis knowledge-keeper who spends her days serving on various boards of education and teaching students traditional sewing and beading. Her ancestry traces back to Maxime Lépine,…
In response to sleeplessness during COVID-19, our family has tried W̱ЌEL, W̱,ЌELIWENS — which means “sleep meditation.” Through recording a version of the meditation in SENĆOŦEN, it also acts as…
ʔukłaamaḥ Caroline Thompson. I reside on the c̓išaaʔatḥ (Tseshaht) territory. I am a single mother of two wonderful sons, Michael (15 years old) and Dean (10 years old). I am a registered…
Whether you’re sharing with your household, leaving them on a friend’s doorstep, or eating them all yourself, these homemade Oreo cookies are sure to be a hit this holiday season.