
Learning to love your body

UVic's Body Image Awareness Day allowed visitors to the SUB to learn about everything from healthy portions to positive self-image

Highlights from the UVSS All-Candidates Forum

The Martlet was there for the UVSS All-Candidates Forum on March 4, 2013. Here we present highlights of the Q&A sessions during the forum. In order of appearance in this…

An evening with UVic’s Game Dev club

At UVic Game Dev club meetings, members work on and discuss all aspects of video games, from programming and game design to art and music. The Martlet stopped by one…

The Martlet asks: “What was the worst date you’ve ever been on?”

We've all had bad dates; here are some UVic students' worst ones

Canadian skate culture explored in documentary

The documentary Hicks on Sticks tells the story of a group of skateboarders and musicians on a late ’90s tour of Western Canada with the mission of bringing skate culture…

Justin Trudeau’s November visit to UVic (full speech)

On Nov. 21, Liberal Party of Canada leadership candidate Justin Trudeau dropped by UVic’s Vertigo Lounge to discuss his vision for the country’s future and field questions from the audience.…

Why you should consider dropping out of school

If you’re a student and you’re not sure where your life is headed and where your passion lies, maybe school isn’t the answer for you right now. Opinionated guy Anton…

Idle No More comes to UVic

The Martlet was there to cover the Idle No More Rally at UVic on the afternoon of Jan. 10, which took place at the bus loop. With the buses temporarily…

Idle No More in Victoria

As the indigenous social movement Idle No More grows across Canada, people gathered in Victoria, B.C., on Saturday to demonstrate at the Coho Ferry Terminal in the Inner Harbour.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2