Saturday, Nov. 24
Opportunities For All
To celebrate the cosmic energy flowing within us, we all need to rock hard every now and then (unless we’re wimps). And what better excuse to rock hard than for charity? Join musical guests Evgeny Sotnikov, Spaceport Union and Warbuck at Felicita’s, and get crazy at this fundraiser for Recreation Integration Victoria, which supports active lifestyles for kids with disabilities.
For more info, email
Felicita’s (UVic Student Union Building). Doors at 7 p.m. $7 at the door.
Thursday, Nov. 29
Full Moon Vol. 6
A “Full Moon” party with body paint and electronic music DJs? Sounds like the perfect party to have in the Matrix, or at least in one of its crappy sequels. But this won’t be in the Matrix — it’ll be in Upstairs Cabaret, which is not particularly Matrix-y (or at least, that’s what they want you to think). Music will include DJ Omri, Xavier and Hagen, and it sounds like a lot of fun. Just enjoy the show, enjoy life and ignore those weird time loops and Agent Smith guys you see walking around.
For more info, visit
Upstairs Cabaret (15 Bastion Square). 10 p.m. $5 advance.
Saturday, Dec. 1
“Christmas On The Mountain” bluegrass concert
(featuring John Reischman & The Jaybirds)
You’ve got to appreciate bluegrass music — it’s tight. I once spent a few months practicing bluegrass banjo, but I never quite mastered the finger-picking technique. Instead, my fingers, wearing the requisite metal fingerpicks, would slowly scrape together at a fraction of the required speed. Eventually, my banjo-picking obsession kind of fell by the wayside . . . but if I could advise anyone to do anything, anytime, anywhere, it would be to keep practicing that banjo! It’d be worth it once you mastered it and became a banjo god. I can’t think of a better accolade than that, so if you’re looking for inspiration (and want to help out with homelessness on top of that), check this show out.
For more info, visit:
Oak Bay United Church (1355 Mitchell St.). 8 p.m. $25.
Friday, Nov. 30
CSS Charity Fashion Show
All you web designers out there are probably thinking, “What? Cascading Style Sheets are holding a fashion show?” Nope — in this case, CSS actually stands for the Commerce Students’ Society at UVic, which makes a lot more sense than my cheesy web programmer joke. Anyway, the Commerce Students’ Society is indeed having a fashion show downtown (it’s at Club 9One9, so it’s just 19 and up. Sorry, young ‘uns). It is a fundraiser for the United Way of Greater Victoria. It also sounds like it will feature the culmination and celebration of “Movember” efforts, with a grand prize for best mo’ and other moustache-related good times.
For more info, visit or email community@uviccss.comClub 9One9 (919 Douglas St.). Doors at 7 p.m. $10.
Wednesday, Dec. 5
Man and His Dog Fashion Show
A fashion show featuring men and their dogs (but no mogs. Sorry, Barf from Spaceballs). It should go off without a hitch, provided the dogs don’t fight or poop onstage (hopefully the guys won’t, either). I’m guessing they’ll have an assistant anxiously standing offstage with a close eye on the action, poop-scoop at the ready. The dogs will be nude but the men won’t. Proceeds go to animal rescue services.
For more info, visit or email
Outlooks Menswear (534 Yates St.). 7:30 p.m. $25.
Friday, Nov. 30
The Warren Talks
The Warren, UVic’s undergraduate literary journal, hosts “The Warren Talks.” Talks about what, you ask? Literature, I’d imagine. If you like literature — like talking about it and like listening to other people talk about literature and read literature — then I’d wager that you’ll find this event to be stimulating. Some people would prefer basketball; that’s okay. I can understand that. We all have different interests in life. But others prefer literature, and to those people, I say go to this talk, and not to basketball, because your intellectual needs will be better served here. If you like both literature and basketball equally, you can go to this and enjoy it, then go see or play basketball at a different time. Now everybody’s happy.
UVic Grad Lounge. 1 p.m. Free.
Friday, Nov. 30
Here’s another event to celebrate your glorious month of unregulated moustache growth while helping to support prostate cancer research as well as men’s mental health. Mosey on down to Mo’Down, where Sugar nightclub becomes a country bar for a night. I’m sure it’ll be a blast and a fitting tribute to the almighty ‘stache. It’s a minimum $10 donation to get in, but if you’re willing to spend a few bucks more to help a good cause, it’d be much appreciated. You can also donate online at to get your free ticket.
For more info, visit:
Sugar Nightclub (858 Yates St.). 9:30 p.m. $10 (minimum donation).