Let’s face it, we live in a world where Yahoo! owns Tumblr and Greek yogurt is produced en masse in North America. Time travel can’t be far off.
> The moment Steve Wilhite (inventor of the GIF) decided to pronounce the word with a soft “G.”
> That brief timeframe when Destiny’s Child had four members.
> Any occasion during Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s life.
> The first time Michelle Obama saw herself with bangs and then Googled “How long does it take to grow bangs out?”
> The opening crawl of Star Wars: Episode VII.
> The closing credits of Star Wars: Episode VII. (I pray in this moment I’m pleased with J.J. Abrams’ offering.)
> The day pizza debuted on the McDonald’s menu.
> The moment Amanda Bynes outlives us all.
> Anytime someone’s about to respond to a text with only “k.”
> Any century before the invention of the Internet. I want to experience the world the way our ancestors lived — and live-Tweet it. Hmmm, problematic.