Your September 17 BoDs meeting Tweetcap

File photo by the Martlet
On Sept. 17, the UVSS Board of Directors gathered in the upper lounge of the Student Union Building for a near two-hour meeting.
From serious discussions regarding the implementation (or not) of Faculty Directors, to less serious discussions on changing the title of the Director of Outreach and University Relations position, the meeting culminated in the board passing the proposed agenda for the UVSS Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Oct. 11, and ratifying funding for this semester’s clubs and course unions.
The meeting started off seamlessly and moved rapidly to question period. The Martlet had some questions.
On the topic of Faculty Directors, Curtis Whittla, Director of Finance and Operations, noted that these positions have been implemented at other universities, albeit with mixed results.
Whittla: "Students are looking for some sort of change to the electoral system, and this is one option of something that can be done." Mentions that other student unions have had similar positions with mixed results.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Speaking with regards to the still-vacant position of Director of International Student Relations, Pierre-Paul Angelblazer, Director of Outreach and University Relations, explained that finding someone to fill it is not so simple.
Because there is no way to know at an AGM who is an international student and who is not, explains Pierre-Paul Angelblazer.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Following question period, the Board nominated and ratified Director-at-Large Julia Witte to the position of Food Bank and Free Store Director.
And the motion carries! We have a Director! Let us all welcome Julia Witte to the position of Food Bank and Free Store Director!
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
The Board then decided to move towards ratifying the proposed agenda for the upcoming AGM; however, this could not be done until each motion had been carefully discussed. So began the debate regarding Faculty Directors, with Directors-at-Large Jordan Gilson and Gulseerat Boparai voicing their concerns.
DaL Jordan Gilson says that the language regarding the Faculty Directors is very confusing. DaL Gulseerat Boparai agrees. The confusion is whether the implementation of Faculty Directors will occur at the next election or not.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Whittla concurred, saying that the language regarding Faculty Directors was confusing, however it took some time for the board to come into agreement on how to modify the language in the AGM agenda to ensure it made sense.
Whittla expressed that if Faculty Directors were to become official positions, representation would be unevenly spread depending on the size of the faculty and the rigidness of the program.
Business, Law, and Education are programs that are very strict, and are less likely to be engaged with the UVSS, says Whittla. He also cites Human and Social Development and Engineering.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Whittla explains that representation will not be evenly spread, in terms of Faculty Directors. "In addition it advantages students from smaller faculties," he says.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Whittla also pointed to the fact that it could make things more confusing when it comes to UVSS elections.
Needless to say, Whittla does not seem to be in favour of Faculty Directors.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Angelblazer and Director of Campaigns and Community Relations Ainsley Kerr, on the other hand, appeared to be proponents of the idea.
Kerr mentions that the election of Faculty Directors could serve to end "mega-slates". It doesn't abolish slates completely, but it is a way of reducing the size of slates.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Director of Student Affairs Isabella Lee put the debate to an end by reasoning that it was worthwhile to bring the proposal to implement Faculty Directors to the AGM on Oct. 11, where students can decide for themselves if they want this kind of representation or not.
Lee says "We should just bring it to the AGM" and "we can't speak for 18 000 people," noting that there's only about 12 people at this meeting. Lee would like to pass this now and have it discussed at the AGM. "I don't think it's worth not putting forward," she says.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
The remainder of the proposed agenda discussion for the AGM went by relatively quickly, including a motion where the board will try to remove the need to advertise in the Martlet for future AGMs, Special Resolutions, Ordinary Resolutions, and Referenda.
Note that this will not apply to advertising for the coming AGM, but refers to advertising for AGMs, Special Resolutions, Ordinary Resolutions, and Referenda if the motion is passed at the AGM on Oct. 11.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
At this point, the mood in the room changed somewhat, and the directors began to deliberate on the UVSS position titles of “Director of Campaigns and Community Relations” and “Director of Outreach and University Relations.” A general sense of weariness could be felt among directors and spectator alike. An hour and a half had passed since the meeting first began.
The Martlet is not sure how long this debate has gone on. Moments are blending into moments. Time is flying by yet also at a stand still.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Eventually, the proposed AGM agenda was ratified, and following a six-minute break, Angelblazer loudly banged his gavel to recommence the meeting.
The AGM meeting agenda passes. At last.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Angelblazer starts the meeting at 7:40 p.m. with a very loud bang of his birthday gavel.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
Following the passing of clubs and course union financing, the board moved to in-camera, which meant that it was time for the Martlet to go.
This has been @_annadodd. Goodnight.
— The Martlet (@TheMartlet) September 18, 2018
The next UVSS Board Meeting will be in the Vertigo Lounge of the SUB on Oct. 1 at 6 p.m.
The UVSS AGM will be in the Vertigo Lounge of the SUB on Oct. 11 at 2:30 p.m. You can find the agenda for this meeting in the most recently published issue of the Martlet.