These summer courses have no prerequisites and registration is still open

Taking summer courses can be a great way to get an elective out of the way and lighten your course load for the upcoming school year. With a variety of start dates and some online options, summer courses offer a lot of flexibility. Many courses that don’t require prerequisites, which make them perfect to use as an elective, are also available this summer.
If you’re looking to take advantage of the flexibility that the summer term offers, here is a list of five classes that make excellent electives and are still open for registration.
MUS316A: History of Rock and Roll
Music 316A offers an opportunity for students to learn about rock music from a new perspective. The course covers the origin of the genre and the culture that surrounds the music. Since the class does not require any previous knowledge of music and has no prerequisites, it would make a great elective for fans of rock or those interested in music history. Unfortunately, it’s not open to students enrolled in the music program.
Music 316A will meet in person from June 2 to June 24. If you’re interested, you have until June 4 to register.
GNDR219: Topics in Gender Studies
Gender Studies 219 is a special topics course that varies in subject each time it’s taught. The section offered this summer focuses on gender and tourism.
While GNDR 219 has no prerequisites, the department does recommend taking GNDR 100 prior to this course. If you’ve already taken the introductory class and are looking for a more in-depth exploration of gender studies, this would make for a perfect elective.
The course runs from July 27 to Aug. 19 and will be taught asynchronously online. There is currently a waitlist, but there’s still a chance you can get in before the July 30 add deadline.
ENGL146: Contemporary Literature
English 146 is an introductory course that provides an opportunity for students to read and analyze a variety of literature from different genres. Contemporary literature also provides students with practical skills such as reading comprehension, writing, and research that are useful for students in all programs. This makes it a great elective for those who enjoy studying literature or who are hoping to improve their writing skills. The class can also be used for the Academic Writing Requirement.
The course is offered in person from July 4 to Aug. 19, and registration is open until July 11. This is another popular course that might have a waitlist. However, it is offered regularly, so if you can’t get in this summer there will likely be another opportunity in the fall.
SOCI206: Crime and Deviance
Sociology 206 provides students with an introduction to crime and deviance through a sociological perspective. The course covers a variety of topics, such as serial killers, aboriginal justice, and victimology. Communication strategies for sharing criminological research are also emphasized throughout the course, making it an interesting and practical choice for an elective.
SOCI206 is open to students in all faculties, and no prerequisite courses or previous experience with sociology is required to register. Classes will be held in person this summer from July 4 to Aug. 19. Registration is open until July 11.
EPHE 142 Personal Health, Wellness, and Potential
This course, offered by the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education, provides a chance to examine health-related lifestyle choices and the effects they have on other aspects of a person’s life. The course covers a variety of subjects related to wellness including physical activity, nutrition, and stress. Even if you aren’t pursuing exercise science or physical education, this class would make a great elective for anyone interested in learning about and reflecting on their own habits and goals. With no prerequisites, the course is open to all students.
Classes will be held in person from June 2 to June 24. June 4 is the last day to register for the course.
Whether you’re looking to study a specific topic or just fulfill an extra graduation requirement this summer, these are a few of the options that are still available for registration. Even if you’re working or taking other courses, there’s something for everyone’s schedule and interests.