The results of the UVic Senate and Board of Governors elections have been released by the University Secretary. File photo by Hugo Wong/The Martlet
The University Secretary released the results of the UVic Senate and Board of Governors (BoG) election results this week following the election that took place March 1–3. Voter turnout for both was lower than last year, though not by as significant a margin as the drop in turnout for Board of Directors elections.
Full results are available via the University Secretary website here.
Kate Fairley, who was elected the UVSS Board of Directors as Director of Outreach and University Relations, was also elected to both Senate and BoG. David Eso, BoG graduate candidate, was elected to represent graduate students.
The following candidates were also elected to the UVic Senate:
- Dheeraj Alamchandani
- Pierre-Paul Angelblazer
- Noor Chasib
- Mackenzie Cumberland
- Kate Fry
- Carl Haynes
- Natalia Karpovskaia
- Hannah Koning
- Colin Saint-Vil
Board of Governors turnout was low . . .
The Graduate Students’ Society’s BoG election saw a turnout of 182 out of a 3138 eligible voters — 5.8 per cent. Eso was elected with 61 votes.
Eso had actually tied with Claire O’Manique, but the result was decided by a lot — a random draw in this case — amongst the candidates under the direction of the University Secretary.
Meanwhile, the UVSS saw a turnout of 2 076 out of 17 819 voters — 11.65 per cent. Fairley was elected with 875 votes. Last year’s BoG elections, by comparison, saw a turnout of 14.7 per cent.
. . . and UVic Senate was slightly lower
Of the 20 957 eligible voters, 2 394 voted for UVic Senate candidates, casting a total of 13 868 ballots and resulting in an overall voter turnout of 11.42 per cent.
Similar to the BoG elections, last year’s Senate elections saw a greater turnout, though not significantly so — 13.7 per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot.
On Monday, March 20, the UVSS Board of Directors will be given a presentation by the UVSS Elections Office on its annual electoral report, which will provide a recap of this year’s student elections and a set of recommendations for how to improve them moving forward. The Martlet will have more on that it becomes available.
Correction March 21: A previous version of this article misspelled Hannah Koning’s first name. We regret the error.