And subsequently, how to get the group chat out of the trip

Photo by Angie Lu.
When you’re a young adult, occasionally hearing the words “Hey let’s go on a trip” pop out of your friends mouths is expected. With long days and light work loads, it’s easy to picture you and your friends on the beach sipping piña coladas instead of being subjected to Victoria’s inconsistent-at-best weather patterns.
Making those dreams of globetrotting with your friends a reality, however, is a little harder than just booking the tickets. Therefore, I’ve created a guide to assist you in making those travel plans more than just texts in the group chat and help you keep your friends along the way.
Put a lot of forethought into the destination
I know that at this age, looking at everyone and their aunt having a European summer makes it extremely tempting to say “what the heck” and book that plane ticket. However, sometimes it is best to look at more affordable and closer options first to make sure that everyone is comfortable with the destination. This does not mean that you should only be going on camping trips. (No hate to camping at all; if waking up in a tent gets you going, more power to you.) It just means that sometimes sticking a little closer to home, even in the country, gives a similar experience to a summer in Europe, at a fraction of the price.
Know what everyone’s budget is before booking anything
One thing you do not need to be doing on vacation is worrying about your finances the entire time. A great way to be proactive about this is to be upfront about your budget with your friends before any tickets are booked. This means letting your group know how much you are willing to pay for meals, excursions, flights, and hotels. Trust me, doing so beforehand will help you to communicate your financial boundaries throughout, and knowing you won’t be in economic ruin by the flight home makes the trip much easier to commit to.
Be on the same page about everyone’s expectations
If you have never travelled with your friends before, it’s a good idea to talk about your expectations for the trip before getting on the flight. Some people love having a packed schedule, making sure they can really get the most out of their destination, while others are looking for relaxation, and breaks from their busy lives.
While both of these travel expectations are valid and attainable, it’s good to know what people want out of the trip beforehand, so that you can allot time for everyone to be getting the most out of their vacation.
Don’t be afraid to pass along the responsibility baton
Every friend group has the person who is the most reliable— heck let’s be honest, they are most likely the reason that the trip made it out of the group chat. However, them being the go-to friend doesn’t mean that they should be mothering the whole trip.
In order to make sure that this doesn’t happen, pass along the responsibility like it’s a hot potato. This can be as simple as taking turns using Google Maps to get the group to the next place. Or, if you want to get fancy, have every person take a turn planning a day or activity, so that everyone gets a chance to do what they want on the trip and no one accidentally becomes a parental figure.
Sometimes all you need to do is say yes
It can be anxiety inducing trying to work up the courage to say yes to a trip with friends. But if you have the funds and the time, it can be such an amazing experience, whether you go to Paris or your backyard. So if the only thing that is holding the group chat back from the trip is you saying yes, take that leap of faith. I promise it’s worth it.