As S.M. Norgate a pseudo-scientist from the Ladies Institute for Endless Rectification Gabriola Island’s playwright Sheila Norgate delves into the lives of women influenced by lesbianism. “Lesbian Etiquette: World’s Greatest Living Oxymoron” explores the ins and outs of what it means to be a lesbian in this multimedia comedy.
Martlet: How would you sum up your show in a sentence or phrase?
Sheila Norgate: My show is a cross-dressed etiquette lesson sprinkled with a dash of post-modern irony and topped off with a skim of feminist froth.
M: Where did you get the idea or inspiration for your show?
S.N.: My inspiration comes from my very well-developed sense of humour, my
fervent feminist bent, and my passion for vintage etiquette (I have over 125
old books aimed at women on charm, beauty, poise, etiquette, etc).
M: Is there a message or a moral you’d like audiences to take away from your show?
S.N.: I suppose if there was a take-away message or moral, it would be that there are many more things that connect us (as human beings), than divide us. Humour can be a very effective bridge, and I intend to use it that way.
M: What is the most interesting experience you’ve had while performing?
S.N.: In the lead-up to my first performance on Gabriola last week, my posters were being torn down and defaced by someone or ones who took exception to my subject matter. It was quite shocking to me and also my community, which is normally very accepting and welcoming of diversity. So it was like a wake-up call to us all, to remember that homophobia still lives and breathes – even in paradise.
M: If your characters could live in any era other than their own, what would it be and why?
S.N.: Since there is only one character in my show (me), I wouldn’t want her to live in any time other than right now. We are living in an unprecedented time in terms of LGBT rights and I wouldn’t want to go back.
“Lesbian Etiquette: World’s Greatest Living Oxymoron” at Victoria Fringe
Downtown Activity Centre, 755 Pandora Ave
Sunday, Sept. 1@ Noon
$11 Regular (plus $6 Fringe Visa Button)