Despite the allure of free pizza and door prizes, the University of Victoria’s Student Society’s (UVSS) Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) failed to make quorum on Feb. 5. Due to the lack of student involvement, motions to amend bylaws, including Bylaw 4.9 which deals with the number of students required to make quorum at general meetings, could not be voted upon.
“It’s disappointing that we didn’t get quorum,” said Greg Atkinson, the Director of External Relations. “It’s not a giant surprise either. This is a problem that the UVSS deals with year after year after year.”
With the current UVSS meeting quorum sitting at 0.06 per cent of the UVSS population, just under 110 students have to attend in order to meet quorum. The proposed bylaw, however, would have reduced quorum to 0.05 of the UVSS population.
“[To increase student involvement] is always one of the goals of the UVSS,” said Atkinson. “Getting people out to meetings during midterms is a difficult time so maybe we need to look into booking during different times.”
In the last Annual General Meeting on Oct. 16, 2014, over 220 students showed up to vote on a referendum concerning divestment at UVic. Concerning the change in turnout, Atkinson said, “You had an issue that galvanized a lot of people and I think that was missing this time.”
Among other issues to be voted upon was the motion to amend the bylaw duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson of the Board, and to change the title to Director of Internal and University Relations. There was also a motion on the agenda for the UVSS to oppose the proposed hike in residence fees and support a freeze in residence fees.
Because the quorum was not met, the Board of Directors gave their reports, and adjourned shortly afterwards.