On April 10, UVic grad students and MEOPeers led by David Atkinson were invited to tour the CCGS (Canadian Coast Guard Ship) Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which was moored in Patricia Bay for maintenance in preparation for the coming field season.
The tour was organized through the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR)-funded project, “User-driven monitoring of adverse marine and weather states, Eastern Beaufort Sea.”
Captain Stu Aldridge took students through each level of the ship, including the engine room. UVic Geography student and PhD candidate Katie Pingree says Aldridge “covered everything from what a typical field season looks like in terms of the route they take, the research that they do, [and] even things like being involved with search and rescue.”
Pingree said the tour was a fantastic opportunity for all involved. “I think what’s really great about . . . going to visit the Laurier is getting exposed to something unique in science and a different component to science.” Pingree explained that even though the tour may not be entirely related to their respective research — one student studies weather patterns in the prairies, for example — it was a chance to see things from a new perspective.
“[You get] that appreciation for what they do and how much effort that goes into getting this research done,” Pingree said. “It was really cool.”
- Chief Engineer Randy Morford (left) shows students the Machinery Control Room (MCR).
- Captain Stu Aldridge (left) explains the fire detection station to visiting UVic students.
- Aldridge (right) gives a presentation to UVic students and MEOPeers on the Sir Wilfred Laurier.
Photos provided by John Eerkes-Medrano.