Are you anxious about starting university? Missing your first year at UVic? Here's some advice from your future self about the challenges you're about to face.
Unfortunate true stories that should inspire UVic’s fresh faces to not do the same Always be prepared, especially when writing exams. I was writing a midterm for a math course in my…
Sex, sex, and sex Dear Birdie: My boyfriend and I haven’t had sex yet, but we’re planning on it. I feel very comfortable with him and I think I’m ready,…
In the excitement of the first month of school, I agreed to be housemates with a group of people once we leave res in second year. However, as the semester…
“[First-years should] find the right sources and make sure that they find a lot of friends … then they have friends to compare their homework with and to also study…
Sick family, selfish friends, and sorry financials Dear Birdie: My grandmother’s health is getting pretty bad, but I’m not even in the same province, and I haven’t seen her since…