
Five mysteries haunting UVic’s campus

The Martlet sought to uncover UVic's top five campus mysteries. Some we did... others will have to remain unsolved. 

Halloween costumes inspired by your astrological sign

Are you feeling indecisive about your Halloween costume? Maybe Mercury is in retrograde. Let the stars inspire your outfit instead with the Martlet’s astrological costume guide.

Six Halloween events happening around Victoria this October

Looking for some spooky ways to celebrate October — other than a visit to the pumpkin patch? Check out these six Halloween-themed events haunting Victoria this month. 

How to tell someone’s relationship status based on what they wear this Halloween 

It can be stressful to find a costume that checks all the boxes: attractive, funny, spooky, unique –– the list goes on. We’ve compiled a list of relationship statuses with…
Campus security UVic

Tight security on campus planned for Halloween weekend

Preparations are underway to prevent another year of Halloween parties at UVic . For the past two years, campus saw mass gatherings.
Pumpkin patch Victoria

What to do this October

Check out these Victoria pumpkin patches and three other activities to help you get in the spooky spirit this October.
Halloween costume cartoon illustration by Parris Mook-Sang-Forbes.

Fun last-minute costume ideas for those still in need of inspiration

With Halloween only a few days away, you might be scrambling for costume ideas right now. Maybe you’ve been busy with midterms and haven’t gotten around to thinking about it.…
abolish holidays graphic

Abolish holidays

Critiquing the corruption of ‘traditional’ holy, holidays into the consumerist, godless husks of today is a favourite pastime of conservative pundits and people who hate fun. But is there a…
pumpkin wearing a mask for halloween in victoria article

COVID-19 is scary, but don’t let it stop you from enjoying Halloween in Victoria

Halloween in Victoria will look a little different this year due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, there are still many safe and probably healthier ways to celebrate the fall’s…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2