
Lesbian dating apps are a barren wasteland

It’s also embarrassingly routine to match with the same queers over and over again on different apps. At some points it feels like you’ve probably seen people’s entire camera rolls…

Tough Love

Fate placed our university dorms side-by-side, causing us to meet again for the first time since infancy. Mabel and I bonded when the toilet overflowed into our rooms.

Deal or No Deal

That’s the reality of losing yourself to the apps. You begin to treat yourself like clickbait. How can I grab their attention? How can I get a response? How can…
Dating apps

The downfall of dating apps

My best recommendation is to skip the dating apps, however tempting they may be. The data supports taking it slow, forming friendships first.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2