sex positivity

Smut Slam

Smut Slam is back, and Victoria is getting in on the action

Smut Slam, a global network of sex-positive, dirty storytelling events, has returned to the Victoria Events Centre.
Illustration by Sie Douglas-Fish.

Vanilla sex deserves a redemption arc

Living in an increasingly sex-positive culture has lifted the burden of so much unnecessary shame around sex. From casual hookups to kinks to voluntary abstinence, there is more conversation than…

Sex and the (Univer)City | We’re stressed to the nines. Period.

Sometimes, waiting for your period can feel a bit like waiting for snow in February on the west coast of Canada. It can come out of nowhere, or it might…

Sex and the (Univer)City | Great sexpectations and the UVic student

Do you miss Sex and the City, but wish it had been more diverse and woke? You’ve come to the right column, kid. There are some who’ll tell you that…

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Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2