
My mom dated my principal 

We started hanging out in the stairwell by the library, where we would awkwardly hold each other during lunch. I chose this location intentionally, knowing my mom’s route to the…

Story Booth unveils Victoria’s untold mythologies

Since May, artist-in-residence Aubrey Burke has transformed this cozy space into a hub for sharing personal narratives, oral histories, and contemporary mythologies from the Greater Victoria community.

Blackfish, wild: 100 days with sacred whales

I could hear breathing in the charcoal dark as silent bodies passed the shoreline; huge lungs, in huge animals, blow salty ocean spray into the night. It was my first…

Run, Jamie, run

HUMOUR — Thanks to the success of UVic President Jamie Cassels’ inaugural run on Sept. 6, and his United Way walk on Nov. 20, the new president has now begun…

On remembering and resisting

Where I’m Coming From I’m not sure if where I’m coming from makes me the best person to write this piece. As a white male of privilege, what do I…

Writing workshops start early with Story Studio

Victoria’s Story Studio Writing Society is a registered charity that aims to help young people through the creative-writing process. Backed by book-lovers and a growing pool of dedicated volunteers, they…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2