Several dozen student protesters attended the first UVic Board of Governors meeting of the year to speak out against the university’s investments in fossil fuels. In the meeting, the BoG…
The UVSS Board of Directors met for just over two hours earlier this week to finalize the agenda for their Annual General Meeting (AGM), introduce a new board member, and…
University staff and students gathered on Sep. 17 to grieve and support one another after a bus crash killed two first year students in the third incident on road to…
In the era of Me Too, conversations around consent and sexual health are still relatively new to university campuses. UVic's Sexualized Violence Awareness Week hopes to start those conversations through…
As students head back to school, they’ll get access to a bunch of UVSS-funded perks like Campus Kick Off and the plethora of coupons inside those coveted student agendas. All…
On August 26, VIPIRG announced that they terminated their lease agreement with the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) due to what they felt was an increasingly unsustainable partnership. The…
The University of Victoria has come under fire from alumni, students, faculty, and the UVSS Board of Directors for its connection to the proposed construction of the controversial Thirty Meter…
Earlier today, UVic President Jamie Cassels announced that he will be stepping down from his position at the university next year, on June 30, 2020. According to the university, the…