new policy proposed by the Alberta United Conservative Party looks to 'protect free speech' by allowing all protesters, no matter how offensive, on university campuses. Here at UVic, we can…
On April 15, the 2018/2019 UVSS Board of Directors met for the final time to reflect on potential ways to improve UVSS elections and poli-sci gargoyles. The meeting consisted of…
We know, we know. The Martlet is too socialist. We're too judgmental. We're too critical. We're too anti-UVic. Anti-oil and pipelines. Anti-UVSS. What are you funding us for, anyways? And…
As with any good election cycle, though the 2019 student elections are over, our coverage of the 2020 UVSS elections has only just begun. Below are the names and platforms…
Just when you thought the UVSS elections were done for the year, a recent investigation from the UVSS Chief Electoral Officer has called for a second VIPIRG referendum “as soon…
Two new clubs ratified, Felicita’s black out blinds, and a $70 000 financial surplus announced in latest meeting A few days after the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) elections…
Yet results remain unofficial due to serious complaints to Electoral Office On Monday, Mar. 11, the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Electoral Office released the unofficial results of the…